Marrya’s Bath Time Trouble!

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It was a warm afternoon, and mommy had prepared a big basin of water for bath time. Little Marrya sat on the floor, playing with her tiny toes, while mommy carried baby ATong to join her in the bath.

“Come on, Marrya! It’s time to get clean,” mommy said sweetly.

But the moment Marrya saw ATong in mommy’s arms, she frowned.

“No! No!!” she cried, shaking her head.

She didn’t want to share her bath with ATong! He was so tiny, and he always splashed water everywhere like a little troublemaker.

Mommy gently placed ATong into the water, and as expected—


ATong giggled happily, kicking his legs and splashing water all around. Some of it landed on Marrya’s face!

“Eww! Nooo!!” Marrya screamed and quickly jumped out of the basin, shivering.

Mommy sighed. “Marrya, ATong is just playing. He doesn’t mean to splash you.”

But Marrya pouted, crossing her arms. She didn’t want to share her peaceful bath with a wild little baby!

Mommy smiled and picked her up. “Okay, how about this? I’ll bathe ATong first, and then you can have your own turn.”

Marrya’s face lit up. “Yes! My bath alone!” she cheered.

Mommy chuckled and continued washing ATong while Marrya waited patiently for her turn.

Even though she loved her little brother, some things were better not shared! 🛁🐵💕