Hungry Baby Monkey Cries and Rejects Mom, Sitting on the Floor

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Little baby Miko sat on the floor, his tiny face scrunched up in frustration. His tummy rumbled with hunger, but he refused to go to his mom. Instead, he crossed his arms, pouted, and let out a loud, pitiful cry.

“Eeeh! Eeeh! Eeeh!” he wailed, his voice echoing through the house. Tears welled up in his big, round eyes as he refused to move. His mom, standing nearby, had just prepared his milk, but instead of coming to drink, Miko was being stubborn.

“Come here, sweetheart. Mommy has your milk,” she called, holding the warm bottle in her hands. But Miko only cried louder, shaking his head. His tiny feet kicked against the floor as he refused to budge.

His mom sighed. She knew this little tantrum all too well. Miko wanted to be picked up, cuddled, and fed like a newborn, but she was trying to teach him to be more independent. “You can come and get it yourself,” she said gently.

Miko, however, wasn’t happy with that answer. His crying turned into loud, dramatic sobs. He hugged his little arms around himself, his body trembling with frustration. He wanted to be spoiled!

Seeing his stubbornness, his mom finally gave in. She walked over, scooped him up in her arms, and kissed his forehead. “Oh, my little drama king,” she chuckled as she gently put the bottle in his mouth.

The moment the warm milk touched his lips, Miko immediately calmed down. His little hands grabbed the bottle tightly, and he suckled eagerly, his hunger now winning over his tantrum.

His mom sighed with a smile. “You’re such a spoiled little baby,” she whispered, rocking him gently. And just like that, Miko’s cries faded into happy little gulps.