Poor little Linda had such a sad moment today!
She was happily playing with her toys, minding her own business, when suddenly naughty Jenny came running over. At first, it looked like Jenny wanted to play — but before Linda could react, ouch! Jenny gave her a sharp little bite on her arm!
Linda’s eyes went wide with shock. For a moment, she froze, not believing what just happened. Then, with a heartbreaking cry, she fell to the floor.
“WAAAHH!!” Linda screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks. She held her little arm where Jenny had bitten her, sobbing loudly for mom to come help.
Jenny stood there watching, realizing she might have gone too far this time. But Linda wasn’t worried about Jenny — she only wanted mom.
Mom rushed over in a panic, “Oh no, Linda! What happened, baby?!”
When she saw Linda’s tear-streaked face and the tiny bite mark, mom’s heart broke too. “Oh sweetheart, did Jenny bite you?!” she said gently, picking Linda up and holding her close.
Linda clung tightly to mom’s neck, still crying and burying her face in mom’s shoulder. Mom rocked her softly, whispering, “It’s okay, baby. Mommy’s here. You’re safe now.”
Mom turned to Jenny and said firmly, “No, Jenny. We don’t bite! Be nice to your sister.”
After a while, with mom’s cuddles and soft kisses, Linda’s cries got quieter. She sniffled a few times and finally laid her head on mom’s chest, feeling safe again.