Spoiled Baby Linda Cries Angry as Mom Leaves to Get Clothes

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Oh dear! Today little Linda showed just how spoiled she can be!

Mom was busy getting clothes ready for Linda, but as soon as mom walked away for just a second — BOOM! — the drama began!

Linda, who was sitting on her cozy bed, suddenly realized mom wasn’t right beside her. Her big eyes looked around quickly, and when she didn’t see mom nearby, her face twisted into a big frown.

Then, without warning — WAAAAAH! — Linda let out the loudest cry ever! She threw her tiny arms in the air, kicked her feet, and screamed as if the whole world had ended.

Mom, hearing the cries from the next room, rushed back holding Linda’s clothes. “Oh, Linda! What’s wrong, baby? Mommy just went to get your clothes!”

But Linda didn’t care. She cried louder, looking at mom with angry tears, as if saying, “How dare you leave me alone even for one second?!”

Mom sat beside her and tried to calm her down. “Shhh, baby, mommy is here. Look, I got your favorite dress!” she said softly. But Linda kept crying, pushing the clothes away, wanting only mom’s full attention.

Finally, mom picked her up, holding her tight. “Alright, alright, my spoiled baby, mommy won’t leave you.”

Once in mom’s arms, Linda slowly stopped crying, cuddling close, her tiny hands gripping mom’s shirt tightly.

Oh Linda, such a little princess, always needing mom right by her side!