The morning was peaceful, with the soft chirping of birds and the warmth of sunlight streaming through the trees. But inside the small yard, chaos was brewing.
Baby monkey Harry sat firmly on the ground, his tiny arms crossed and his face twisted into a stubborn pout. His mom stood a few feet away, her hands on her hips, holding out her hand to encourage him.
“Come on, Harry, you’re a big boy now,” she said patiently. “You can walk to me. It’s just a few steps.”
But Harry wasn’t having it. “Eeeeeek!” he screeched, flopping onto his back dramatically. His little legs kicked into the air, and his fists pounded the ground.
“Harry, stop acting like this,” his mom said, trying to stifle a laugh at his over-the-top reaction. She stepped closer and crouched down to his level. “Walking is good for you, sweetheart.”
Harry’s response was to roll onto his stomach and bury his face in the dirt, letting out muffled cries. “No walk!” he wailed, shaking his tiny body in frustration.
Their neighbor monkey, Sara, peeked over the fence, curious about the commotion. “Harry, you’re too funny,” she teased, but Harry didn’t care.
His mom finally sighed and scooped him up. The moment Harry felt her arms around him, his cries turned into soft sniffles. He clung to her neck tightly, nuzzling his face into her shoulder.
“You’re so spoiled, Harry,” she said with a chuckle, giving him a gentle kiss on the head. “But you’ll have to walk next time, okay?”
Harry didn’t answer. Instead, he closed his eyes, content now that he didn’t have to move a step on his own.