It was a lively morning in the small jungle clearing where Monkey Ken and his family lived. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and Ken was busy playing with his favorite wooden stick. But things took an unexpected turn when Ken accidentally tripped and tumbled onto the ground.
“Ouch!” Ken yelped, rubbing his tiny hand that had scraped against a sharp rock. The little monkey’s eyes welled up with tears, and he looked down at his now sore and slightly scratched palm.
With a sniffle, Ken sprang to his feet and darted toward his mother, who was busy gathering some ripe bananas nearby. “Mom! Mom!” he cried, waving his injured hand in the air as he approached her.
His mother, hearing his distressed cries, immediately stopped what she was doing and turned to him with concern. “Ken, what happened?” she asked, crouching down to his level.
Ken held up his hand dramatically. “Mom, look! My hand got hurt!” he exclaimed, his voice quivering. He pointed at the scrape as if showing her the evidence of his pain.
His mother gently took his tiny hand in hers, inspecting the scratch closely. “Oh, my poor little one,” she cooed, kissing his hand softly. “It’s just a little scrape, but it must have hurt a lot, huh?”
Ken nodded, his tears beginning to dry as he felt comforted by her gentle care. She quickly fetched some cool water from a nearby stream and washed his hand carefully. Then, she placed a small leaf over the scrape, securing it with a piece of soft vine to protect it.
“There, all better now,” she said with a warm smile. Ken flexed his hand and grinned, feeling much braver.
“Thanks, Mom!” he said, giving her a big hug. His little heart swelled with gratitude and love, knowing that no matter what, his mom would always be there to make things right.
From that day on, Ken learned to be more careful while playing. But most importantly, he understood that his mom’s loving hands would always heal and protect him, no matter what happened.