In the dark of night, two tiny monkeys sat huddled together, shivering with fear. They had been abandoned, left all alone with no mom, no family, and no one to protect them.
Every sound in the night — the wind, the leaves rustling, and distant animals — made them jump and hold each other tighter. Their wide, frightened eyes scanned the shadows, hoping someone would come for them.
The smaller one let out a soft whimper, pressing close to his sibling. The older one tried to be brave but couldn’t stop his tiny body from trembling.
They had no warm arms to hold them, no soft voice to say, “It’s okay, you’re safe.” The night felt long and cold, and every minute felt like forever.
Suddenly, they heard footsteps! At first, they froze, unsure if it was danger — but then, a gentle voice called out, “It’s okay, babies. I’m here to help you.”
A kind rescuer appeared, slowly kneeling down to not scare them. She held out a soft blanket and whispered, “Come here, sweethearts. You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”
The older monkey peeked out, and after a moment, they both crawled into her arms, desperate for warmth and safety.
She wrapped them up tightly, rocking them gently as they snuggled into her chest, finally feeling calm.
“Shhh, you’re safe now,” she whispered.
That night, for the first time in a long time, the little monkeys slept peacefully in loving arms, knowing they would never be alone again.