The sunny afternoon took an unexpected turn in the bustling family room where Mody and Minea, two playful baby monkeys, were scampering around. Mody, the more adventurous of the two, had climbed onto the dining table, his curious little hands reaching for anything that caught his eye.
Dad was nearby, keeping an eye on the two mischief-makers while arranging some books on a shelf. “Mody, be careful up there!” he warned, sensing the potential for trouble. But Mody was too engrossed in his exploration to listen.
Minea, sitting below the table, seemed to be plotting her next move. She suddenly gave the table leg a tiny push, just enough to jostle Mody’s balance. With a startled squeak, Mody slipped off the edge and tumbled to the floor, landing with a soft thud.
The room fell silent for a moment before Mody began to wail loudly, clutching his arm. Dad rushed over, his heart pounding with worry. “Mody! Are you okay?” he exclaimed, carefully scooping up the trembling little monkey.
Minea, meanwhile, sat a few feet away, pretending to inspect a piece of fruit. Her big, innocent eyes darted toward Dad, as if to say, I had nothing to do with it.
Dad checked Mody for injuries, sighing in relief when he found no serious harm—just a small bump on his arm. He kissed the spot and gently rubbed it to soothe the pain. “You’ve got to be more careful, buddy,” he said softly, cradling Mody close.
Turning to Minea, Dad raised an eyebrow. “And you, young lady, I saw that little nudge. Don’t think I didn’t notice.” Minea blinked at him, feigning ignorance, but a tiny smirk betrayed her.
Mody’s cries subsided as Dad comforted him, and soon both little monkeys were sitting quietly by his side. Though the scare had passed, Dad kept a closer eye on Minea, knowing her mischievous streak all too well.