In the quiet morning, the house was peaceful, except for the occasional chirping of birds outside. That tranquility didn’t last long, though. Inside the bathroom, the echoes of a tiny voice wailing filled the air as baby monkey Dam made his feelings about bath time very clear.
Dam, a little ball of energy, had a peculiar hatred for one particular part of his morning routine: shampoo. While he loved milk time, the moments leading up to it were an ordeal for both him and his mom. Today was no different.
His mom, ever patient and loving, gently scooped Dam up in her arms and carried him to the bathroom. His tiny hands clung tightly to her shirt as he sensed what was coming. His round, curious eyes darted around, but as soon as he spotted the shampoo bottle on the counter, his expression changed dramatically. He squeaked in protest and began wriggling, his tiny tail flicking in distress.
“Dam, it’s just a little shampoo,” his mom cooed softly, hoping to calm him. But her soothing words had no effect on the tiny drama king. His cries grew louder, echoing off the tiled walls, turning the bathroom into a miniature opera house.
Placing Dam gently in the small basin, his mom poured lukewarm water over him with a soft scoop. Dam flinched, his little hands flailing as if trying to push the water away. “Nooo!” his cries seemed to say, his wide eyes fixed accusingly on his mom.
When the shampoo bottle was opened, Dam’s wails reached a new level. He turned his head to the side, trying to escape the inevitable. His mom chuckled softly, though it was no easy task to manage a slippery, squirming monkey who seemed determined to escape at all costs.
“Hold still, Dam,” she said, carefully lathering the shampoo into his soft fur. Dam’s protests grew louder, his tiny body shaking with dramatic sobs as if the shampoo were some terrible punishment. He even kicked his legs, splashing water everywhere. His mom ended up as wet as Dam, but she remained focused, determined to clean her little one properly.
Tears streamed down Dam’s face, his cries punctuated by hiccupping gasps. Every now and then, he would glance at his mom with the most pitiful expression, as if begging for mercy. “You’ll thank me later when you’re clean and fresh,” she assured him, though Dam seemed unconvinced.
As the bath went on, Dam’s resistance turned into exhaustion. His wails became softer, more like pitiful whimpers, though his body still trembled in disapproval. Finally, his mom rinsed the last bit of shampoo from his fur. “There, all done!” she announced, her tone cheerful and reassuring.
She wrapped Dam in a soft towel, drying him gently. His cries subsided into quiet sniffles as he nestled into her arms, seeking comfort. His tiny fingers clung to her shirt again, and he buried his face against her chest, his earlier protests forgotten.
Once dry, Dam was dressed in his clean little outfit, looking like the innocent baby he always pretended to be. His mom handed him a bottle of warm milk, and suddenly, all was forgiven. Dam grasped the bottle eagerly, his earlier distress replaced with contentment as he drank his milk greedily.
His mom couldn’t help but smile at the dramatic change. “You’re such a little actor, Dam,” she teased, stroking his freshly cleaned fur. Dam ignored her, too focused on his milk to care about anything else.
As he finished his bottle, Dam let out a soft burp and snuggled closer to his mom, his earlier cries now a distant memory. Peace returned to the house, at least until the next bath time.
For now, though, Dam’s mom held him close, cherishing the quiet moment and laughing softly at her little monkey’s big, dramatic personality.