Oh no! Today was a funny but a little scary moment for baby monkey!
She was happily playing around the bathroom while mom was getting her bath ready. The little tub was filled with warm water, and baby monkey was so excited, running and jumping all around.
But suddenly — slip! — her tiny foot lost balance on the wet floor, and plop! she fell right into the tub!
Splash! Water went everywhere as she tumbled up and down, trying to stand but slipping again. Her little arms waved in the air, and she let out a loud squeal, half scared, half surprised.
Mom rushed over quickly, “Oh baby! What happened?!” she said, pulling the soaking wet monkey out of the tub.
Baby monkey clung to mom’s arm, shivering a little but still wide-eyed from the surprise. Her tiny body was dripping water, and her fur was all flat and messy.
Mom wrapped her up in a soft towel and held her close. “It’s okay, baby, you’re safe. No more jumping near the tub!” Mom kissed her wet little head, trying not to laugh.
But baby monkey wasn’t so sure — she gave mom a grumpy pout, as if saying, “Mom, why didn’t you catch me before I fell?”
After a few more cuddles and kisses, she finally calmed down, and soon her playful spirit came back. But this time, she stayed safely in mom’s lap, watching the tub from a distance!