Mom’s Heart Stops Every Time Minea Jumps to Fight Mako

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In the quiet afternoon, Mako sat peacefully on the wooden bed, nibbling on a small fruit. He was a calm little monkey, never causing trouble. But his older sister, Minea, was different—she was wild, fiery, and full of jealousy.

From across the room, Minea’s eyes narrowed. She hated seeing Mako happy. Without warning, she jumped high into the air, landing right next to him with a loud thud!

Mako flinched, clutching his fruit tightly. “Minea, stop!” he squeaked.

But Minea had no intention of stopping. She grabbed Mako’s hand and tried to snatch his fruit!

Their mother, who had just sat down to rest, heard the commotion. Her heart nearly stopped.

“Minea! No! Stop fighting your brother!” she yelled, rushing over.

But it was too late. Minea lunged at Mako, biting his ear!

Mako screamed and pushed her back. Minea fell off the bed, landing on her back, but she quickly rolled up, ready to fight again.

Their mother’s hands trembled as she separated them. Her heart pounded so fast she thought it would burst!

She pulled Minea aside, holding her firmly. “Why are you always so nasty to Mako?!” she scolded.

Minea pouted, crossing her arms. She didn’t answer, but her jealous eyes still burned with anger.

Mako, rubbing his ear, looked at his mom with teary eyes.

Their mother sighed deeply, rubbing her forehead. “Minea, one day, you’re going to give me a real heart attack!”

Minea just smirked, but inside, she knew that, no matter what, her mom would always love both of them. 🐵❤️